👋Hello, I'm

Neda Hosseiny

Front-end developer based in Iran

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Some of my projects

Weather project preview

Weather App

Before you head out the door, it's always a good idea to check the weather. There's nothing worse than putting on something nice, like a box-fresh pair of sneakers, only to have it rain or snow later and potentially damage your gear. Mobile weather apps provide easy access to forecasts whenever you need them. Many apps tell you the high temperature for the day, and they give you an hour-by-hour breakdown of temperatures, precipitation levels and more to keep you informed. These apps can be helpful, but many also collect and distribute your data, which could pose a danger to your privacy.That's why it's important to understand their privacy policies, too.

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Online shop project preview

Online Shop

Before you head out the door, it's always a good idea to check the weather. There's nothing worse than putting on something nice, like a box-fresh pair of sneakers, only to have it rain or snow later and potentially damage your gear. Mobile weather apps provide easy access to forecasts whenever you need them. Many apps tell you the high temperature for the day, and they give you an hour-by-hour breakdown of temperatures, precipitation levels and more to keep you informed. These apps can be helpful, but many also collect and distribute your data, which could pose a danger to your privacy.That's why it's important to understand their privacy policies, too.

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Custom project preview

I do your Custom projects

Anyone can build a web page… but will it be the web application or the web site that you need? What you need and what you want are very different things. All projects are build your projects with strong, specialised partnerships in Design, Development and Digital Marketing. We are focused in User Experience / User Interface, seeking support when required in our partners to help us to assemble a robust solution to your needs, Custom Project - We make it different.

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